
To oil cleanse or not to oil cleanse? #GOLDENUDE

11:02 AM

With the many, many types of facial cleansers out there, it may be hard to decide which suits you best. There’s foam, gel, soap, even dry cleansers. There are exfoliants and scrubs, toners and splashes.

And then there’s oil.

Picture credit : google

Washing your face with oil has become a wildly popular beauty trend, encouraged by celebs and beauty gurus alike. But is it for everyone?

Psst, yes it is! Regardless of your particular skin situation (dry, oily, normal, combination), there’s definitely an oil-cleansing method that will work for you.

Because oil cleansers have natural oils as base that mixes with the preexisting oils already on your face, they can help remove the “bad oils” you don’t want on your face! When massaged onto the skin, oils in the cleanser bind to surface impurities and allow them to be comfortably rinsed away leaving the skin clean, soft and hydrated. A lot of oil-free cleansers strip our skin of natural oils, leaving it unbalanced and causing it to produce more oil to rebalance it. Excess production equals more problematic skin. Oil cleansers keep the skin’s natural pH balance, and prevents it from having a production overload. Plus, essential oils are naturally antibacterial.

Refer down below for a tldr of the benefits of oil cleansers:

  • Natural oil is fantastic for your skin, and works for many people to clear up acne, combat dryness, and maintain a radiant glow.
  • It’s super natural and whisks away makeup in a flash.
  • It doesn’t strip the skin of its natural oils.
  • If you use this nightly, you may not need to spring for pricey moisturizers anymore.
Ah, such are the marvels of natural oils, Goldenuders... Don’t forget to flush and shine!

#blushwithoutbrush #bwb #findthegoldinyou #goldenude


Undertone Breakdown: Warm or Cool #GOLDENUDE

12:53 AM

Choosing the best foundation match, hair dye, or even lipstick color can be really confusing. Not only do makeup cost quite pricey, beauty brands are offering more and more color options for us. But for that exact reason, with all these new choices available for us, it's so much easier to get it wrong.

Photo credit : google

However, do not worry as in this blogpost, we will learn how to get colors matched perfectly with our undertones. There are three main classifications for undertones: warm, cool, and neutral. If you have warm undertones, your skin will lean towards peachy, yellow, or golden. If you have cool undertones, your skin will lean pink, red, or blue. And if you have neutral undertones, your skin will be a mixture of these colors.
Of course, since these are undertones, they will be  much harder to detect than the general color of your skin. You (usually) can't simply look at yourself and just know that you have fair skin tone with red undertones or a deep skin tone with yellow undertones. So to help you figure out your undertones, here are some sneaky clues hidden on your body we have put together...

1. Vein Colors
Check out the inside of your wrists. Do your veins appear blue or green? If they look blue/purple, you're cool-toned. If green, you're warm-toned. If you have trouble telling, you probably lean neutral

2. Sun: Burn or Tan?
As a general rule of thumb, if you burn easily or turn pink, you're cool-toned. If you tan, you're warm-toned. (Remember to always wear your sunscreen, people!)

3. Clothing Color
Are there certain colors you find you look better in? If you look best rocking tones such as blues, purples, and emerald-greens, you're cool-toned. If you favor earth-tones such as reds, oranges, yellows, and olive-greens, you're warm toned. And for you lucky gals who can get away with all the colors, you have neutral undertones.

Happy experimenting Goldenuders! Flush and shine!
#blushwithoutbrush #bwb #findthegoldinyou #goldenude


You’re pretty high-maintenance, aren’t you? #GOLDENUDE

10:28 PM

It’s no real surprise that when it comes to talking beauty, the conversation almost always lands on some exotic, nay, crazy concoction that has made it’s way from the East. You know those snail infused sleep masks you’re obsessed with? Or that oil cleanser you use every AM and PM? Or the brightening serum responsible for your glow? All Asian imports. You gotta admit, when it comes to skincare, they’re onto something.
If you haven’t gleaned over countless multi-step K-beauty articles by now (we’re going to ignore the fact that you’ve been living under a rock), here’s the gist of it all: getting porcelain-like skin is all about cleansing (twice to be thorough), hyper-targeting skin issues (that’s where most of the steps lie), and protection (SPF. Duh). We might be simplifying a bit, but we’re trying to ease you into it, okay?
Here we go!
Here on our blogpost, we will explain to you what and how those products could affect your skin and why that 10 steps is actually worth your time.

So keep updated to our blogpost and discover the truth behind 10 steps korean skincare routine.

Have a great Monday girls! Flush and shine!
#blushwithoutbrush #bwb #findthegoldinyou #goldenude


Why Blush Without Brush #GOLDENUDE

7:15 PM

Happy Friday, gorgeous! Today, we have some food for thought:

They say beauty is more trouble than it's worth, so the Goldenude team have decided to test that theory out.

It’s most definitely an added chore for us draw on fleek makeup every morning, but we can’t deny it’s definitely worth the hassle. After all, a fabulous self grants you an added boost of confidence for you to slay all day ;)
However, we’d also stand to agree that too many of our pet peeves are makeup related. It is personally very annoying for us to finally save up and purchase that super glowy highlighter when we accidentally break it when squeezing it in our bag. Or how about a friend of ours unabashedly grabs our favorite lippie to try on their lips when you shudder even thinking about the germs?! Alas, what we end up doing is usually giving stuffing that broken, dirty, or used product deep in our makeup pouch and never using it ever again...

...which is why Goldenude is the perfect solution for all you makeup enthusiasts out there who value a longer lasting and more efficient product! Introducing Goldenude; the first paper based blusher in Indonesia that brings you efficiency, hygiene, and ease of use to a whole new level. So even for the micro and nano sized bags you may be bringing out to town, you can still look as flushed and glowy as ever! Besides being priced competitively, Goldenude’s blushers also come in a variety of colors, so you most definitely need not worry about picking the wrong shade.

Goldenude: your trustee blush without brush.

#blushwithoutbrush #bwb #findthegoldinyou #goldenude



2:13 AM

We’ve all said something stupid or regretful before, so we know how much worse it is when you feel that sudden heat in your face and realize your cheeks are visibly burning red. Blushing is something we fear so much that once we know that we’re doing it, there’s a vicious circle. We feel even more embarrassed, and the blushing gets worse. Researchers have found that simply being told that you’re blushing when you’re not really is enough to make you blush even more.

Picture credits: google

Well.. is blushing normal? How do our body works exactly? When you're embarrassed, your body releases adrenaline. This hormone acts as a natural stimulant and has an array of effects on your body that are all part of the fight-or-flight response. Adrenaline speeds up your breathing and heart rate to prepare you to run from danger. Then your blood circulation goes faster because it needs a good amount of oxygen. The veins in your face respond to a signal from the chemical transmitter which tells the veins to allow the adrenaline to do its magic. As a result, the veins in your face dilate, allowing more blood to flow through them than usual, creating the reddened appearance that tells others you're embarrassed. Tl;dr adrenaline causes more local blood flow in your cheeks.
But then, is blushing good for us? Because i can absolutely relate the feeling of near death situation when I am in the middle of embarrassment. Fear no more because it has been scientifically proven that people who are physically fit have more of these blood vessels and flush easier than people who are unhealthy, unfit, elderly or smokers. So if someone point out that you are blushing  it is a good reminder that you are fairly healthy and glowing from the inside.
For the rest of us, blushing is simply unpleasant. So perhaps we should start thinking of it as a social asset. The next time you say something stupid and feel the blood rushing to your face, remember that you’re just showing your friends that you understand your mistake, and that you adhere to the social values of your group. They’ll probably like you all the more for it.

Have a great Monday girls! Flush and shine!
#blushwithoutbrush #bwb #findthegoldinyou #goldenude


Why Brushes are Not Necessary... #GOLDENUDE

6:39 PM

Ever looked at a makeup brush and thought ‘fancy, but what the heck is it for?’. If you’ve ever had even the smallest niggle of doubt on the subject; ‘should I spend that much?’ ‘What is it actually made of?’ ‘How do I use it?’, you’ve come to the right place!
Picture credits : google
For all my sisters (and brothers) out there, Golden Nude will share a few rationales on how makeup brushes may not be the holy grail we all deem it to be. Imagine scenario:
  1. When you’re running late...
But still need everything baking on your face to be on fleek, you may want to skip the brushes. While brushes offer precision and gives our profile an airbrush effect that we all love, when we’re tight on time, every second of makeup applying counts. Forget picking out the exact angular brush. Forget choosing between synthetic or real hair brushes. All you’d have to do is wash your hands and apply whatever beauty products directly to your clean fingers and you’re ready to get gorgeous.
2.  When you have to clean them…
Raise your hand if the part you dread most in your beauty routine is cleaning up all your makeup brushes. We know you can always skip it, but ugh, who wants to get old makeup and germs on their skin, right?  I’m sure we could all live without having to clean every last one of our eye shadow, blush, contour, powder and foundation brushes.
3. When you’re on a budget…
Decisions, decisions! Should you get that new Sigma tapered brush or should you get that new LBD you saw on sale online. Ah, makeup brushes. We pay good money for them and often times wouldn’t pay them much attention as long as they get the job done. However, it’s no secret makeup brushes may get a little too pricey at times. Pro tip: invest in a few staple brushes, and skip the rest. Blusher for example, can be applied to the apples of your cheeks with just a paper! *hint hint

At the end of the day, makeup application methods depend on the formulation of product you’re using and the kind of finish you want. There’s no right or wrong method, it’s what works best for each one of us. However, we’re sure we can all find it rewarding if we can get our makeup on fleek, without all the above stated hassle :)

Have an awesome week and shine on, lovelies!

#blushwithoutbrush #bwb #findthegoldinyou #goldenude

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These circular shaped paper doesn’t make any sense! That’s what she said, follow the steps on how to blush without brush! 1.  ...

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